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The Breakdown

What is Londyn's Lens?

Londyn's Lens is a capstone. What is a capstone? A capstone is a year-long, self-guided project created by students of Science Leadership Academy during their senior year. Capstones are a culmination of our learnings while at SLA and combine inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection into passion projects that students hold near and dear to their hearts. 

What was the goal?

The goal of this capstone was to show teenagers that they're more than what they see themselves as. Teens spend a good deal of time beating themselves up, for physical and mental attributes, without realizing that they're the only ones who view themselves that way. I didn't want to cure people of their insecurities or make them believe they were the most beautiful person on the planet. I just wanted them to see themselves through my lens


This capstone has been an entire calendar year in the making. The earliest version was written in May 2020. To achieve completion, many documents were created as a means to keep track of the progress being made to get to this point. The project started off with intentions of being a feature length documentary, but as we started to see that CoVid-19 was going to be around for longer than anticipated, I had to change the end goal to fit around a new way of life. Beyond countless meetings with my mentor and plenty of Wednesday afternoons sitting behind my laptop, I changed my project about five different times. And that's what capstones are about; coming up with new solutions to questions and situations that impact you one way or another. 

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